Independent Artists - Details
Museum Quality Art is a growing fine art brand which offers a curated collection of fine art prints, canvas artwork, and framed artwork from artists, galleries, and museums around the world. Museum Quality Art is excited to collaborate with current artists (“Independent Artists”) to promote their work and sell more of their artwork. Independent Artists are able to sell their print-based artwork on Museum Quality Art, view real time sales via private dashboard, and conveniently upload new artwork for consideration. Museum Quality Art manages on behalf of the artist the printing, framing, shipping, and customer-facing efforts for purchases made at Museum Quality Art.
Museum Quality Art offers competitive artist royalties according to each artwork size:
Example Artwork Sizes - Artist Royalty:
5x7 - $6.00
8x10 - $7.50
11x14 - $10.00
16x20 - $15.00
16x24 - $17.50
18x24 - $20.00
20x30 - $22.50
24x30 - $25.00
24x36 - $27.50
30x40 - $37.50
Example Square Sizes - Artist Royalty:
8x8 - $6.50
10x10 - $8.50
12x12 - $12.50
16x16 - $15.50
20x20 - $18.50
24x24 - $21.50
30x30 - $26.50
36x36 - $32.50
Our collaboration is non-exclusive and open edition, meaning artists will be able to continue selling their artwork (the art prints shared with Museum Quality Art) elsewhere.
Artists will be able to view their royalties via an online dashboard for a real-time update regarding their sales.
Payouts will be made monthly via PayPal, no later than by the 10th day of the following month.
Collaboration agreements, including royalties, will remain active for 1 year once signed, and are subject to automatic renewal until canceled by either signing party. It is requested that artists provide 30 days written notice if they wish to remove any/all of their art prints from Museum Quality Art during the time of active collaboration. Reasonable efforts to remove artwork more quickly when necessary will be made by Museum Quality Art.
Consent for Brand and Marketing Participation: Independent Artists allow Museum Quality Art to use the artist’s brand name, personal name, and those fine art products provided by the artist to Museum Quality Art. The use of these items may extend to (and are not limited to) promotion on the Museum Quality Art website, in marketing efforts, on social media, and via social media shopping channels. Independent Artists consent that their provided artwork may be used as part of physical or digital mock-ups in order to promote their artwork available at Museum Quality Art. These physical/digital mock-ups used for the sake of promotion (excluding giveaways) are not included in artist royalties.
Refunds & Reprints:
In the case of a product refund, this negative adjustment will be reflected in the current payout balance viewable via the artist dashboard. In the case of a necessary reprint due to transit damage or otherwise, the Independent Artist consents to such a reprint without a duplication of due royalties.
Right to Change:
Museum Quality Art reserves the right to make changes to its website, products, and/or brand structure at any time and without notice as deemed necessary for the continued success of the brand. This may include but is not exclusive to: the launch of new fine art products or frames, the inclusion or exclusion of artwork based on selling data and otherwise, and the reformatting of website data to improve the consumer’s shopping experience.
Questions? The answer may be found in our Artist FAQs.
Ready to Get Started?
These details and our written agreement may be confirmed via email: contact (at) museumqualityart (dot) com.